Journey into the Bhagavad Gita Live Course

Yoga wisdom for self-discovery and personal transformation

Spiritual Knowledge.
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Online and in-person workshops and courses that connect ancient spiritual teachings to life in the modern world


Hari-kirtana's must-read books make yoga wisdom texts accessible, exciting, and relevant 


Bhagavad Gita

A Guide to Exploring Timeless Principles of Transcendental Knowledge and Integrating Them Into your Life

Discover the transformative power of ancient wisdom.

The timeless teachings of the Bhagavad-gita can revolutionize your approach to personal growth and social activism.

This is not just a book; it's a gateway to a life of deeper understanding and higher purpose.


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I'm Hari-kirtana das: author, teacher, and public speaker.

I offer spiritual guidance to people who want to explore new possibilities for a meaningful integration of faith and knowledge, I work with yoga teachers who want to add value and impact to their classes, workshops, and teacher training programs, and I help organizations build stronger and more satisfying relationships with stakeholders, partners, and clients.

I’ve been studying authoritative sources of spiritual wisdom for over 40 years and take an inclusive approach to teaching. I do my best to make  complex ideas accessible, encourage critical thinking, and create a joyful atmosphere in my classes, workshops, conversations, and courses.

My goal is to help you discover the highest truth about yourself, the world, and the source of both, that you can imagine.