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Knowing When to Quit

We hear a lot about “letting go” in social media and blog posts about contemporary spirituality. In yoga and meditation classes, “let go” is a common cue to release tension in this or that part of your body or mind. In yoga philosophy, it’s usually associated with the idea of letting go of our attachments, accepting when things are beyond our control or, on a deeper level, loosening our grip on ego-driven conceptions of identity.

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Political Prana: How Yoga Can Save Democracy

In this thought-provoking episode, we dive into the intersection of yoga and politics with Jamie Maniscalco, a seasoned political operative and yoga advocate. Jamie shares innovative ideas on how yoga can be introduced into political environments, from the halls of Capitol Hill to grassroots protests. Learn how integrating mindfulness practices can support politicians and their teams, foster better communication across party lines, and even impact legislative processes.
We also explore the broader implications of political engagement through yoga, highlighting its potential to address anger and apathy towards the political system. Jamie’s insights emphasize the importance of personal involvement in democracy and offer practical advice for yoga practitioners looking to make a difference in their communities. Tune in to discover how yoga can play a transformative role in both personal and political spheres.

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