Step Into a Life of Meaning and Purpose Empowered by Yoga Wisdom.

If you're someone who is:

  • curious about yoga beyond the physical practice
  • stressed out and struggling to make sense of the world
  • committed to principles of leadership and personal growth
  • unfulfilled, wounded, or abandoned by religion

then I invite you to join me in exploring one of the world's foremost books of spiritual wisdom.


Sundays @ 12:00 pm ET on September 8, 15, 29 | October 6, 20, 27 | November 10, 17

Saturdays @ 11:00 am ET on October 12 and November 2


This course is registered with Yoga Alliance. Participants can get 14 hours of CE credit for Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers.

Investment: $297

EARLY BIRD SPECIAL: $247 ($50 off regular tuition investment)

enroll now - price goes up on Sunday, August 11

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"Hari is an incredibly knowledgeable, insightful, encouraging, entertaining, and humble teacher. He's a trustworthy guide who provides just the right balance of challenge and support to help you go farther than you thought you could go."

— Delia Gallegos, Astrologer and Devotional Yoga Practitioner

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"Hari's approach to teaching such a complex text is top grade. He gives clear directions on how to progress on the spiritual path with all its difficulties and glories. Every aspiring yoga student and anyone on the path of self-realization is advised to take this course."

Radha Devi Om, 500hr Advanced / Initiated Yoga Teacher

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"Hari is so knowledgeable and really makes himself available to his students. I felt very comfortable asking questions. The coursework, the Q&A sessions, and the community participation all fit together perfectly. I look forward to taking another course with him."

— Leslie Harrington, Speaker, Author, Health & Fitness Coach

Why have thoughtful people consistently turned to this book of ancient wisdom?

Here are three reasons:

1. The Bhagavad-gita is the pre-eminent book of yoga philosophy

Contemporary yogis usually look to Patanjali’s Yoga-sutras for an introduction to yoga philosophy. But here's the thing: the Yoga-sutras is not a book about yoga philosophy! Patanjali's instructions are actually for yogis who already know the underlying philosophy for his particular system of yoga. If you want to understand the philosophy behind all of the classical yoga systems, then you want to study the Bhagavad-gita.

2. The Bhagavad-gita is a guide for personal spiritual development

The Gita's non-sectarian blend of philosophy and theology takes us beyond intellectual speculation and formulaic religion to universal truths of spiritual consciousness. Offering each of is guidance for our own unique spiritual journey, the Gita invites us to step into a 'God's-eye view' of the world from which we can see our lives in a light that shines from beyond the reach of illusion, egoism, attachments, aversions, and fear.

3. The Bhagavad-gita is a guide to enlightened spiritual activism

The world's problems can't be solved by using the same kind of thinking that gave rise to those problems in the first place. At a time of heightened urgency about the need to address issues like social justice and climate change, the Bhagavad-gita offers us universal principles for spiritual activism that have the power to bring about real social transformation.

The Bhagavad Gita is is a definitive compendium of ancient yoga wisdom. It's universally revered for its profound philosophical and spiritual teachings.

But if you've already found your way to the Gita, there’s a good chance that you've also found it challenging to enter into the Gita's world.

Do any of these sound like you?

     "I heard about it in my Yoga Teacher Training program but they didn't really cover it."
     "I started to read it on my own but I felt lost pretty quickly and never finished it."
     "I read it but I don't feel like I was really able to understand it."
     "I kind of understood it but I feel like there's a lot more that I didn't really get."
     "I wanted to read it but felt so intimidated by it that I never even started."
     "I read it but I didn't see what any of it had to do with me or my life."

If so, I know how you feel.

The first time I tried to read the Bhagavad-gita I couldn't wrap my head around it. The second time I understood some of it but couldn't accept most of it.

Still, I was convinced that I would find what I was looking for in the pages of the Bhagavad-gita so I came back to it a third time.

And that's when the Gita's teachings started to click for me.

The difference? I had a teacher to guide me through it.

That was more than 40 years ago. I’ve been studying and teaching the Bhagavad-gita ever since.

Over the years

I’ve cultivated a unique approach

to unraveling the mysteries of the Bhagavad-gita, making its teachings accessible and relevant to modern seekers like you. 

I created this course based on my book:


Bhagavad Gita

A Guide to Exploring Timeless Principles of Transcendental Knowledge and Integrating Them Into your Life

You won't need to have read the book before the course begins. We'll read the book as we move through the course.  Each class will significantly expand on the themes, concepts, and practices that you'll find in the book.  

Here's our roadmap:

Class 1: The Big Picture


An overview of the Bhagavad-gita: what the Gita is, an introduction to Krishna, the speaker, and Arjuna, his friend and disciple, the significance of the Gita’s battlefield setting, Arjuna’s reasons for wanting to leave the battlefield, how to follow the dialog, the eight topics of the Bhagavad-gita, and how to overcome the biggest obstacles to understanding the Gita.

Class 2: The Gita's Overarching Theme

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST

An exploration of the concept of dharma and its many meanings as they specifically apply to what the Bhagavad-gita has to tell us about how to recognize the essential characteristics that make us who we are, standard measures of moral excellence, duty and sacrifice, and how to live in harmony with cosmic order.

Class 3: The Gita's Metaphysics


A detailed look at the basic metaphysical concepts that form the foundation of the Gita’s teachings that includes a look at how interactions of metaphysical elements and subtle laws of nature influence the physical world, a description of the sequence of events that precipitates forgetfulness of our true eternal nature, and more!

Class 4: The Four Paths of Yoga

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST

A detailed exploration of each path of yoga that Krishna describes in the Gita, the system by which transcendental knowledge is received, the difference between good karma and karma-yoga, how the four paths come together to form a ‘yoga ladder,’ and the relationship between yoga and dharma.


SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST

A guided group discussion that will include meditations, journaling exercises, interactive experiments, strategies for integrating the Gita's teachings into your life, and answers to your questions.

Class 5: The Dark Side of God

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST

Krishna’s 'Universal Form,' the relationship between theology and ethics in the Gita, the ontological argument for the existence of God, the ways in which divinity is revealed in the world, the question of why evil exists, and Arjuna's response to being given the eyes to see the majesty and power of the Supreme Being.

Class 6: The Art of Applied Knowledge

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST

The definition and practical application of transcendental knowledge, the distinctive characteristics of the three qualities of material nature, the vision of one who is advancing toward the experience of Absolute Reality, and how to understand the distinctions between the lower self, the higher Self, and the Supreme Self.



A guided group discussion that will include meditations, journaling exercises, interactive experiments, strategies for integrating the Gita's teachings into your life, and answers to your questions.

Class 7: The Science of Discernment

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST

Modernism, Post-modernism, and the Bhagavad-gita, the difference between materially-oriented and spiritually-oriented religion, the 26 qualities of a saintly person,  how to recognize demonic mentalities, and the Gita's prescriptions for sustainable happiness.

Module 9: The Perfection of Yoga

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST

Bhakti as the central and recurring theme of Krishna's teachings, how all paths of yoga find their ultimate fulfillment in devotional service, the Gita’s five progressive levels of secret knowledge, and the ultimate philosophical conclusion of the Bhagavad-gita.


  • On-Demand replays of all live classes and sessions
  • Downloadable study and exploration guides
  • A private WhatsApp group for ongoing community discussions

Price goes up August 11, 2024  Buy now for $247


"What I enjoyed about studying the Bhagavad-gita with Hari was his masterful ability to make the material so relevant and accessible. Hari is adept at cultivating a sense of community, which fosters incredibly rich discussions and realizations throughout the course"

— Stanley Currier, 500-Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher

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"Having had no previous experience with the Bhagavad -Gita, I thought this course might be daunting for me. But it wasn't at all; Hari created space for the students to learn from each other as well as discover the teachings of the Bhagavad-Gita on our own."

Min Kim, Artist, Poet, and Devotional Yoga Practitioner

Vikram Hirani

"Bhakti yoga is often derided as a spiritual path for people who are emotional and not big thinkers. Hari will thoroughly dispel that myth in this course, which reveals the deep and rich intellectual underpinning to the Bhagavad-gita that leads us to love for the Divine."

— Vikram Hirani, Yoga and Meditation Instructor

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes: all of the live classes and bonus sessions will be recorded - you'll be able to watch the replays anytime.

ANY OTHER QUESTIONS? Contact me here. 

About Hari-kirtana das

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A lifelong student of spiritual philosophies and yogic practices, Hari-kirtana das is an E-RYT 500 yoga teacher, spiritual mentor, and the author of In Search of the Highest Truth: Adventures in Yoga Philosophy. He's been practicing bhakti-yoga and other yogic disciplines for over 40 years, has lived in devotional yoga ashrams and intentional spiritual communities, worked for Fortune 500 companies and Silicon Valley start-ups, and brings a wide range of spiritual knowledge and life experience to his classes, workshops, and presentations. Hari is a long-standing faculty member of numerous Yoga Teacher Training programs and regularly contributes articles about yoga philosophy to a variety of journals.

The sages have concluded that all the goals of human existence can be fulfilled by acquiring a clear understanding of the Bhagavad-gita.

I hope you'll join me for this empowering online experience that will help you unlock the mysteries of the world's foremost yoga wisdom text.

price goes up August 11, 2024  Buy now for $247

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"Hari-kirtana is a totally grounded, down-to-earth, and well-organized teacher who really knows how to introduce students to new ways of thinking in a thoroughly enjoyable way."

— Faith Hunter, Author and Founder/Creative Director of 'Spiritually Fly' Yoga Teacher Training

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"A favorite among our Yoga Teacher Training students: Hari takes us beyond the fluffy, cloud-like explanations of yoga philosophy to the profoundly deep and life changing potential that we're hungry for."

— Gopi Sandal, Director of 'Yoga with Heart' Teacher Training 


"Hari teaches deep stuff in an accessible way. You'll come away with a better understanding of yoga philosophy and feel inspired to live a spiritual life in accordance with the Gita's teachings and values."

— Dorcas McWilliams, Founder/Director of Sol Yoga