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The Science of Singing Sacred Songs

Have you ever felt the magic of singing, not as a performance, but as a way to heal, connect, and uplift your spirit? Across cultures and centuries, sacred songs and chants have been tools for inner peace and profound transformation—and science is now catching up to their benefits. In this blog, I share how singing is more than sound; it’s a bridge to something greater. Discover how a simple melody could bring clarity and joy to your day.

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Six Loving Exchanges

The holiday season has arrived and, with it, traditions of giving, accepting, sharing, and connecting. Discover how these moments of togetherness hold immense potential—not just to nurture relationships, but to elevate them to new spiritual heights.

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Finding Peace and Purpose in Difficult Conversations

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches in America, many of us face the challenge of navigating difficult conversations with loved ones—especially when their views clash with our core values. This year, in the post-election climate, these divides may feel even more intense. In this post, I’ll share how yoga wisdom can help elevate contentious conversations and keep you grounded with humility, curiosity, and generosity.

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The Power of Connection

In the Mahābhārata, the epic story that surrounds the Bhagavad-gītā, Arjuna and his brothers, collectively known as the Pandavas, faced isolation and hardship after losing their kingdom in a rigged game of dice.

Forced into exile, they found solace and strength in their bond as brothers and in their relationships with allies like Krishna and sages like Vyasa. Trust, shared values, and support from their community gave the Pandavas the resilience to endure their trials and eventually reclaim their rightful kingdom.

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Good Karma is Bad

The Sanskrit word “karma” refers to a universal law of action and reaction.

Yoga wisdom texts describe three kinds of karma: harmonious, dissonant, and transcendental.

Harmonious karma consists of actions that are aligned with cosmic order and generate correspondingly harmonious reactions, otherwise known as “good karma.”

Conversely, dissonant karma, actions that conflict with cosmic order, produce negative reactions: “bad karma.”

Now here’s the catch:

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