The Spiritual Basis for Social Justice

Justice is one of the cornerstones of a peaceful society, and justice requires everyone to be equal under the law. 

But where does that “equality” come from?  It can’t come from the material level; we’re all born with different physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual talents and abilities. Which means that on the level of the mind and body, none of us are equal.

If we aren’t “created equal” in any material sense, then we should consider the possibility of spiritual equality. In order to make sense, “all men are created equal” must be speaking about “men” on a spiritual level.

Yoga philosophy acknowledges both differing material capacities and a common spiritual nature that supports freedom for authentic self-expression and the ultimate freedom of spiritual enlightenment.

Does the idea of spiritual equality resonate with you? Let me know in the comments.

To listen to the entire Community Conversation on this topic, visit the Community Conversation called Authentic Spiritual Wisdom and the Path to Social Justice.

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