Introduction to Vedic Yoga Philosophy
A weekend intensive for yoga teachers: includes essential concepts plus the psychology, ethics, and theology of the Yoga-sutras and the Bhagavad-gita.
Introduction to Vedic Yoga Philosophy READ MORE
A weekend intensive for yoga teachers: includes essential concepts plus the psychology, ethics, and theology of the Yoga-sutras and the Bhagavad-gita.
Introduction to Vedic Yoga Philosophy READ MORE
A weekend intensive for yoga teachers: includes essential concepts plus the psychology, ethics, and theology of the Yoga-sutras and the Bhagavad-gita.
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In this seminar we’ll take a close look at the yamas and niyamas in the traditional context of the 8 limbs of yoga (ashtanga yoga) and how they remain relevant for modern yoga practitioners. We’ll connect the dots between the philosophy and values that inform yogic moral decision-making in response to contemporary social and political issues, look at how the social and personal disciplines connect to yoga asanas, and examine how the personal observances provide power for the inward turn of our meditation practice.
Yoga Seminar – Yamas and Niyamas READ MORE
In this seminar we’ll take a close look at the yamas and niyamas in the traditional context of the 8 limbs of yoga (ashtanga yoga) and how they remain relevant for modern yoga practitioners. We’ll connect the dots between the philosophy and values that inform yogic moral decision-making in response to contemporary social and political issues, look at how the social and personal disciplines connect to yoga asanas, and examine how the personal observances provide power for the inward turn of our meditation practice.
Yoga Seminar – Yamas and Niyamas READ MORE
A Case Study I smelled smoke. I felt heat. I couldn’t see a thing. My senses sent urgent messages to my mind, which quickly analyzed the data and delivered its conclusion: “You’re going the wrong
Designing a Yoga Class Around a Philosophical Theme READ MORE
In this workshop you’ll learn how to read transliterated Sanskrit, pronounce Sanskrit names of yoga poses, teach mantra meditation, chant sutras and verses from yoga wisdom texts, and speak about the yoga tradition on a deeper level.
Practical Sanskrit for Yoga Teachers READ MORE
In this workshop you’ll learn how to read transliterated Sanskrit, pronounce Sanskrit names of yoga poses, teach mantra meditation, chant sutras and verses from yoga wisdom texts, and speak about the yoga tradition on a deeper level.
Practical Sanskrit for Yoga Teachers READ MORE
Through group discussion and experiential exercises, you’ll explore how to choose a philosophical theme, how to structure an effective “dharma talk,” how to speak effectively in your own voice, and how to design an asana sequence around your theme.
Integrating Yoga Philosophy into Classes and Workshops READ MORE
Through group discussion and experiential exercises, you’ll explore how to choose a philosophical theme, how to structure an effective “dharma talk,” how to speak effectively in your own voice, and how to design an asana sequence around your theme.
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Through group discussion and experiential exercises, you’ll learn how to choose a philosophical theme, how to structure an effective ‘dharma talk’, how to speak effectively in your own voice, and how to design an asana sequence around your theme.
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